Looking For A Specific Topic


Q: I cannot find <topic>.

A: In order to make your navigation through the site easier, The Ancient Egypt Site comes with a Sitemap that allows you to browse down the hierarchy of different pages, enabling you to find your favourite topic easily.

Q: I cannot find <topic> using the Sitemap.

A: The Ancient Egypt Site has a comprehensive Index which lists of several keywords or key phrases that you might be looking for. Most of the major subjects covered on this site are represented by a keyword you can find there.

Q: I have looked in the Index but I still can not find <topic>.

A: Have you tried synonyms or alternative spellings? For instance, you may be looking for "Khufu" or "Chéops" but looking for "Kheops" should do the trick.

Q: I have tried everything that was suggested above, but I still can not find <topic>.

A: In this case, your topic is not (yet) covered on my site. Please note that The Ancient Egypt Site is a one-man project and it does take a lot of time to go through all the different aspects of an ancient culture that flourished for more than 3000 years. I have to divide my time between my day job, research, private matters and the further elaboration of this site in all its many aspects.

Q: When will you work on <topic>?

A: I can not offer a specific fixed timescale for when I will work on which topic. The time I can spend working on this site is very variable so I can not predict when I will add more contents. I usually try to have some major changes uploaded on a regular basis, but sometimes it goes faster and sometimes not.

© Jacques Kinnaer 1997 - 2023