Biography of Djedkare


The relationship of Djedkare with his predecessors or successors is not known. According to the Turin King-list he ruled for 28 years, although some Egyptologists would prefer to read the number given as 38. The highest known year reference for this king is the year of the 22nd cattle count. If the cattle counts were held at regular two year intervals, this would be the 43rd year of Djedkare's reign. Manetho records 44 years for this king.

Djedkare's name has been found in the Sinai, demonstrating a continued Egyptian interest in this rich region, Abydos and Nubia. His reign is marked by some important changes: the solar cult, although not abandoned, lost some of its importance and predominance, and the power of the central government was weakened to the advantage of the provincial administration.

Another important change that occurred during Djedkare's reign is that he returned to Saqqara to build his funerary monument. This does not mean, however, that the funerary temples of Abusir were abandoned. The larger part of the papyri found in the funerary temple of Neferirkare are dated to Djedkare.

Djedkare’s pyramid complex was the first since Userkaf to have been built at Saqqara.

Djedkare’s pyramid complex was the first since Userkaf to have been built at Saqqara.

© Jacques Kinnaer 1997 - 2023