Amulets and Jewellery

Amulets of Ancient Egypt

Author: Andrews, Carol
Publisher: University of Texas Press, 1994

A fascinating study of the different types of amulets the Ancient Egyptians used to protect themselves against the powers of evil. For each type of amulet, the material, sources and use are described.

Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

Author: Andrews, Carol
Publisher: British Museum Press, 1996

An interesting study of the jewels worn by the Ancient Egyptians.

Jewels of the Pharaohs

Author: Aldred, Cyril 
Publisher: Thames and Hudson, 1971

A study of the jewels that were found in Egypt dated to the Pharaonic Era.

Symbol and Magic in Egyptian Art

Author: Wilkinson, Richard H.
Publisher: Thames and Hudson, 1999

This book goes beyond the many representations found in the many temples and tombs of Ancient Egypt, in search of the symbolic and magic purpose they once served.

© Jacques Kinnaer 1997 - 2023